Featured in Chrome Web Store!
Dec 27, 2022

The Featured badge was introduced by the Chrome Web Store this year to highlight the store’s best of the best: great extensions that provide an intuitive experience from publisher’s with a quality reputation. I’m so proud that Passport was granted the Featured badge recently (I did not apply for this but if someone submitted Passport, thank you!).
“The Featured badge is assigned to extensions that follow our technical best practices and meet a high standard of user experience and design. Chrome team members manually evaluate each extension before it receives the badge, paying special attention to the following:
Adherence to Chrome Web Store’s best practices guidelines, including providing an enjoyable and intuitive experience, using the latest platform APIs and respecting the privacy of end-users.
A store listing page that is clear and helpful for users, with quality images and a detailed description.”
I set out to build Passport to create a simple but beautiful experience for users. It didn’t matter to me if no one used it as long as it was something I’m happy to use. I’m proud that there’s a consistent community of people that find value in it, and thankful that now this quality is recognized by the CWS team as well.